At first glance, the gulf between Russia and the United States is worrisome, and if it doesn't pour resources into building, it will lose the entire arctic power game . However, when we look more closely at the geopolitics of the Arctic, it is not difficult to find that there are several structural myths behind the "icebreaker divide" that are worth pondering. First of all, although Russia and the United States are both countries around the Arctic, the size of the two countries in the Arctic region is very different.
Russia's coastline along the Arctic Ocean is about 24,000 kilometers long, and its territory within the Arctic Circle accounts for 44% of the entire photo retouching service Arctic Circle, making it the largest among the countries around the Arctic. While 60% of Russia's oil and 95% of its natural gas resources are stored in the continental reefs along the Arctic Ocean, the "Russian Arctic" (AZRF) can be said to affect Russia's economy and development; ) has a coastline of about 4,000 kilometers, not to mention that it has only about 70,000 inhabitants living in the
Arctic region (compared to 2 million in Russia), and Arctic energy extraction as a proportion of overall U.S. GDP is relatively low . Therefore, it is indeed necessary for Russia to maintain a huge fleet of icebreakers. On the one hand, it is cruising in its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, and on the other hand, it also escorts ships transporting natural gas to the eastern regions and countries via the Northern Sea Route. 1 2 » Read t
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